Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Facebook | I just don't understand
I like to think that I am a fairly smart person and that I keep up on politics and current events really well. Not just what happens but the reason for it. Sometimes, I even read political science articles on different subjects on my own, I know it is nerdy, but I like to know things. That's just part of my personality. Sometimes I can be arrogant in my views on politics and on law, I know I shouldn't but my ego isn't always under control. Still, I try really hard to know as much as I can about the world. I try to be aware.
Having studied political science for four years now and being an international studies co-major I feel like I have pretty well informed political views, I try to read from numerous news sources and not just stick with only one or two. But recently I have been having a really hard time understanding the recent movement in America called the Tea Party and the republicans and conservatives that have either joined or are riding the band wagon. I have seen a tremendous amount of hate, real vicious hatred, that is pointed at the President, lead Democrats and just liberals in general. I have also heard of taking back the country, of taking back the civil rights movement and of getting back to the way the country use to be. And it scares me a little, it really does. More than once I heard of people saying we need to return to the way that our founders did it, turn back the clock 100 or more years. I feel like people who say this are mostly not in the racial minority category. Which is to say those that I have heard and seen are white. I don't believe that the Tea party movement is all white or all republican, because I've researched it fairly well. But what I do think is that the majority of this movement is massively angry, sometimes misinformed and far too accepting of people with very bigoted beliefs. Again this scares me.
Through out my life I've always known I wasn't white, but I grew up in a small town in Kansas and I assume I led a fairly normal life in America. Yes, sometimes my family celebrated the Chinese New Year, but we celebrate the other one too. We celebrated the 4th of July and Christmas too, they were always my favorites. We went to church, it was a United Methodist church. I was swim captain my Junior year. I am half-Chinese and half-caucasian. One hundred years ago I would not have been accepted in this country. My parents would most likely have been shunned and hated, as would have my sister and I. Please understand this, when this country was founded only people considered White were free, not the blacks, not the Asians and not the Native Americans. Please don't take back this country. Please don't turn back the clock. I like living here, in this country, in this America. I don't want it to turn into what it was, I don't want to have to hate Muslims, or gays, or whites or blacks. I want to be able to understand this movement, I want to believe that it is only about less spending, only about smaller government and not about fear and hate, but right now I can't believe it. I have never in my life felt scared to live in this country as a mixed race person. Never. Not even when students at my high school talked about burning down my house because I let the gay club use it for meetings, not when a one time friend wanted to fight me because he thought I was gay. That ruined my senior year of high school. I wouldn't have gotten through that with out my family and friends (both gay and straight) and support from members of Trinity Heights (my church). But I wasn't afraid then. So would someone please tell me when all this became ok? When arson at the future site of a mosque in Tennessee, when signs and shirts with hate-filled racial remarks were acceptable, when any politicians were ok with ANY of this, when reporters for the most watched News Station in the US would allow hatred and bigotry to be aired over and over again, to wish and pray for the death of the President, to vandalize the offices of Congressional Representatives because you don't like their vote, WHEN DID THIS BECOME OK? SOMEONE JUST TELL ME. SOMEONE JUST EXPLAIN IT TO ME! Please, I don't understand and it scares me. I really mean it, I need someone to explain all of it to me. Because if all of this is now mainstream, all of this is let slide, to hate people because of what religion they practice, or because they are on the opposite side of a political issue, then it is ok to hate me. Then this really isn't the country I thought I grew up in. Someone please… I don't understand.
Thank you to anyone who reads this and to anyone who responds. I appreciate that you took time to consider my note and thoughts.
Cole Hwa Davis wrote this in his note on Facebook.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Crazy Guy Sings Carrie-Oke
Proud to say this guy performed somewhere near Wichita, ks. I think he needs medication and I feel sorry for his....partner? Who ever "he" is in Before he cheats...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Beatbox Political Debate
This is funny. Debaters, this is pretty good example of "performance" debate. Your performance can make arguments.
Friday, August 20, 2010
First Day of School!!
Here it is the long awaited video...well not really I just finally made another video.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Around the Circuit: The Academic Benefits of Speech & Debate | Extemp Central
You would think that schools would encourage academically competitive students to participate in debate and Forensics. Want to get into that elite college? Debate is the key. 10% of Harvard's Freshman class each year are debaters while over 50% of those with perfect SAT scores are rejected.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Angry Driver, why?
Today as I was coming up on the intersection near walmart and Newton Medical center, I notice in my rear view mirror a car coming up behind me not making any attempt to move over. In fact he was on the white line. I was trying to be hospitable and considerate and moved over onto the very rough shoulder that is covered with road trash, big pot holes and glass in order to give him plenty of room. This was during the part of my route with the short section of path running along side. The man pulled beside me and slowed way down and rolled down his window and proceeded to yell at me about how I should not be on the street and that "See that Fucking path right there, that is there so you don't get run over!" He went on to say, "Stay off the road you dumb shit!" Meanwhile a large line of cars are behind him. HE is holding up traffic to yell at me about how I am being unsafe.
Newton, KS sits on the Transamerica Bike Route and cyclist from all over the world come through our little town. I saw two yesterday looking for a resteraunt as I was waiting for a train.I hope people like this person who yelled at me don't make a habbit out of it as it could tarnish our town's image as a small hospitable place The Tan/Brown small suv hatchback Accura I think with Harvey County tags and The gentleman was overweight (but who isn't?) balding with light brownish blond hair with a beard (his hair could have been a redish color) I hope you enjoy your day and feel better about whatever was irritating you, but I have a right to ride my bike on the road. I was not breaking any laws nor was I rude to you in anyway. I hope I see you in the store or in a parking lot sometime when you are not in your vehicle so we can have a more evenly balanced debate about the rules of the road. Hey if you don't want to debate, I could just kick your ass. See you soon.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Walmart Bike Horror Story
Be careful where you buy your bike. You might get this one...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
2010 Tour de France Stage 2 LIVE |
Team Lampre pulled it out at the sprint but without HTC Columbia and Cervelo pushing he would not have caught up.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
TWILIGHT SUCKS! Emo Vampire Song : The Key of Awesome #3
If you are a Twilight fan, then you will probably hate this, but will laugh anyway.
Monday, July 5, 2010
2010 Total Distance Stats
Rank Rider Location Distance (Miles)
954 dpbogey Springfield, MO 2384
(+1)955 gfdbiker Loveland, OH 2383
(+0)956 misterbee.. Newton, KS 2383 957 Husky65 Mountain River, Australia 2379
(-4)958 nogas Wakefield, MA 2379
Chugging along 2383 miles since January 2010.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Want to Ride in Newton?
Want to Ride in Newton? (Newton, KS)
Date: 2010-06-30, 7:38PM CDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?] go to the website and search for Newton KS clubs. Find Newton HS faculty/Staff bike club. If you are near or in Newton and want to start being involved in a regular ride then sign up. If you are not in Newton but like the idea of a ride calender for your club, then you can use this tool to schedule and communicate rides with your club members. I get nothing out of this other than some people to share a ride with and get some exercise. Request membership and I will be in touch.
In Newton, KS and want to ride with a group?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
New Bike gadget
Monday, June 7, 2010
Rain Rain...go away
I have 27" wheels but 700c is the closest size for fenders to fit my bike. Well some of you may have noticed more of a "commercial" approach to my posts. I am doing this mainly to inject more
dynamic content. I have also added a donate button for the Newton HS student faculty bike club. I have many special needs kids and lower income students in the club who cannot afford bike repairs and supplies. I also hope to someday raise enough money to purchase decent bikes for the club to ride at school. Would be awesome to get a sponsor that can help us travel to local and regional races and other riding events. So if you want to help kids get exposed to the lifelong joy of cycling then think about donating. If you stumble upon this and are interested, then shoot me a message to find out more info.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required.
Monday, May 31, 2010
New Gadget
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Saturday Sedgwick Valley Center Loop 5-22010
View sedgwick in a larger map
Thursday, May 20, 2010
2010 school year closes
I am doing some video editing for the school district that will last about 3 weeks with only about 30 hours of work. I am spending a week in KC, MO. for the national speech and debate tournament. Taking four brilliant students who make me look like I know something. I am also spending 2 weeks in Lawton, OK at Cameron University's Speech and Debate camp. I will be assistant coordinator for Advanced CX debate week one and assistant coordinator for Intermediate Div. for week 2. I am really looking forward to this trip. I get to take my bike and I am going to ride in the Wichita Wildlife preserve. I am toying with the idea riding to the top of Mt. Scott. Not a huge climb and not what most people would call a mountain but it is cool ride. I have a couple of riding buddies at camp and we are going to get in as many miles as possible. Best part is nobody will be there to tell me I am riding too much or ignoring them. I won't have to drop everything to sit at home with my wife while she plays FB games. I can't go ride since that is ignoring my family, but it si perfectly fine to play, Farmtown,Family Feud, sorority life or whatever annoying new game is pumped out by FB.
Well, I gotta go take my daughter for a practice driving lesson, or as I like to look at it, Screaming Father yelling at daughter to STOP....GOOOOOO....or not so hard on the brakes or gas....I wouldn't miss it for the world...
Friday, May 14, 2010
After School Ride
The ride was overall a great time. Ray had tvo stop at a garage sale in Hesston but nothing cool. Bikes and robots are his passions. He is an artist and art teacher at Newton HS and is always looking for something to inspire his students. We turned south on Ridge Rd. and flew for about 7 or 8 miles to 12th street Newton. Only two negatives occurred on the ride, I ate about 10 bugs because I talk too much and a car almost ran into us on 12th. This tan old person car driven by an young person. You know the car type, four door, tan, mercury marquis type sedan. This woman was ON HER CELL PHONE and didn't give us the required 3 feet. She passed us so close, I really thought Ray was going to get hit. She had the entire left lane to pass. No other cars were coming but she chose to buzz us and stayed in the right lane barely. I try to be a good cyclist. You know, I try to follow the road rules/laws, be polite, make sure motorist are aware of me and be an ambassador for the sport. I have not flipped anyone the bird in a long time. I did however wave at her and say some select words. 22 miles at 15 MPH average was a great workout and I survived another wild ride in south central.....Kansas.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Finally I know
My Miyata 610 that I am so excited about now for sure has a year tied to it. It is a 1981. I thought it was an 80 but I found catalogs from 81 through 89. My bike is black and so it is limited to an 81, 82 or 83. Not sure if 83 is included but I know after that 610's did not come in black. The dead give away is the brakes. In 82 and on the brakes changed away from the center pull cantilever to the side pull. So it has to be an 81. I cannot find an american/english catalog from earlier than 81 but the Dutch versions from earlier catalogs do not even have the same numbering/name system. Not sure if a 1980 English Miyata cataloge exists online but would love to see it.
Now the final mystery that I can tell is the issue of the shifters. The 1981 610 came with Stem shifters while the 1000 model came with downtube shifters. My bike has downtube shifters. Everything else is the same exactly from the stickers to the brakes. I am thinking downtube shifters were considered higher end at the time and whoever purchased the bike or someone later modified the shifters.
I am not a purist although I am keeping the original equipment I have changed. I added a stem conversion to threadless, new stem to increase angle and I have added new drop handlebars that are wider and lighter than original. New bar tape and brake levers. I also added a Bontrager Saddle that I am very used to from my previous bike. I also changed out the pedals to a higher end/lighter pedal with toe clips. I hope I can post picture.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Kansas Solitude
Friday, My son and I went to Wichita to look at a bike a cycling/facebook/twitter/blog friend of mine had. Robert Garcia of RiverCityCycling had an amazing Koga Miyata 610 from 1980. Almost showroom quality. Not sure what that is since I was looking at it in a garage. I took my 52/54 cm(not sure) Raleigh Capri. I got it from a friend who did not need it and so I worked it into shape. I was looking to trade bikes and Robert obliged me. AMAZING how much the right size bike matters for speed and endurance. The Miyata is a lighter and much better bike. I consider Robert's "trade" as more of a gift. Thank You Robert again. Someday when I get a new bike, I will make sure someone who needs a cycling boost gets this Japanese wonder bike. I spent 2 hours in the garage getting it ready for me to ride it. Lights, cages, and bags. I took it for a short spin and ended up riding 20 miles. I could not stop. I felt like a kid on Christmas who got the new bike and would ride circles under the street light for hours after dark. The difference was not freezing to death. I averaged 14 mph on my 20 mile ride. I thought, surely my speedometer must be off. I checked it and no it is correct. I went up over 2 mph on average. WOW. I feel like the ankle weights have been lifted.
Saturday I did 32 miles. I have never done more than 24-25 miles in a single ride. I rode to Sedgwick from Newton on Ridge rd and then to 81 on county line road. 81 highway was a racetrack on the way home. I averged 14.2 mph for the trip but hit 30 mph many times and never dropped below 20mph. I did another 20 on Sunday and averaged 14.4 mph. I did another 12 this morning at about 14.3 mph avg.
Hard to believe that it has only been a little over a year since my neck surgery. I am loving life and HIGH on cycling and this new to me bike.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday Ride
My debaters are getting their State Debate trophy photos tomorrow night. Red Room Studios here in Newton, KS. I hope the kids all show up.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Other than the extreme cold and the 8 inches of snow, it looks like a perfect day for riding. The sun is super bright and makes me want to go outside and ride. That is till I actually get outside into the cold. I guess maybe I have become a wimp as far as the weather. When I was much heavier, I did not have a problem with the cold. Now I get cold really easily and since my neck surgery last spring, I am incredibly sensitive the low temps.
I have heard them all. "Cyclist make their own heat." Yep we do but the first 20 minutes of cold kicks my ass. The problem is I over dress for the first 20 and then I am too warm and sweat like crazy followed by being very cold.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Winter Motivation
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
National Winter Bike to Work(school) Day
I need to plan an indoor bike activity. Here are some possible options.
How to adjust your brakes
How to adjust your rear derailer:
How to change a flat tire
How to patch a tube
How to repack hub bearings
The how to change a flat is probably the best bet but they might already know to do that.
What to pack in your seat bag and why you should have a seat bag.
The seat bag discussion is pretty important especially if on a longer ride. Extra tube is a really important part along with a pump and tire levers. A patch kit is also important. Sometimes we get more than one flat. Patching a tire successfully might be the difference between a long ride and long walk.